立石為憑據 Memorial Stones

立石為憑據 Memorial Stones
Bible Study
Joshua 4-6


  • Memories of His grace in the past give us strength to FOLLOW, and that in turns, create brand new memories.

Ice Breaking

  • Finish watching the 2nd half of the Peanuts’ Thanksgiving video. Summarize what has happen in the Book of Joshua so far. Then follow the flow below and answer these simple questions based on the narratives.

Read Joshua 4:1-8 (1st sign)

  1. What did God ask Joshua to do after crossing the River of Jordan? Why?

Read Joshua 4:11-18 (Record of the 1st sign)

  1. Did the Ark cross the river before or after the Israelites? What did that symbolize?
  2. Why were some of them armed? What did that say about their faith?
Read Joshua 5:1-8 (2nd sign)

  1. What happened here?
  2. How does this sign different from the first one (crossing River Jordan)?

Read Joshua 5:10-12 (3rd sign)

  1. Can anyone here remind us the story of manna?
  2. How do you see the availability of manna a huge grace of God? And does the stop of this miracle a form of punishment or grace? How can we apply this concept to our everyday life?

Read Joshua 5:13-15 (4th sign)

  1. Do you mind to explain why God send His general here instead of revealing to Joshua directly?
  2. In your opinion, why did God’s General answer “no” to Joshua’s question? Wasn’t this General for the Israelites?

Read Joshua 6:1-14 (Preparation of the 5th sign)

  1. In your opinion, what is the most difficult part of God’s battle plan?
  2. Do you think the Israelites can be this obedience without all the previous signs?

Read Joshua 6:15-21 (5th sign)

  1. This sign is the sign of victory. But why did God ask them to destroy almost everything?
Read Joshua 6:22-27
  1. How does verses 22-25 reflect with Joshua 2?
  2. How does 1King 16:34 echo with Joshua 6:22-27?

For deeper reflections:

  1. Are there any signs in our lives results of God’s blessings / lessons?
  2. How did these experiences shape your life?
  3. Has God answered any of your prayers? How? Were there any signs involved?
  4. Do you like the way He reveals Himself or His guidance to you?
  5. If God wants to tell you something, in what ways would you wish Him to channel His message to you? How do you keep yourself open in receiving His message?
  6. If you want someone to REMEMBER you, what would you do? What did God do in asking His believers to REMEMBER Him?
  7. When you want to REMEMBER someone, what would you do? What have you done so far to help you to REMEMBER Jesus Christ?
  8. What connections can you draw between SIGNS and OBEDIENCE in the above texts? (SIGNS lead to OBEDIENCE, OBEDIENCE creates new SIGNS)

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